Icon Festbrennstoffe Biomasse
    1. Areas of application
    2. Solid fuels and biomass

    Solid fuels and biomass

    Future through sustainability

    Unlike fossil fuels, which when burned releases carbon stored over millions of years, burning biomass only pollutes the environment with the greenhouse gases that plants previously stored as they grew.

    Thus, the biomass occurring in solid, liquid or gaseous form is an environmentally friendly fuel and is available in sufficient quantities as a regenerative natural resource. Biomass can be used to generate energy in the form of heat, cold or electricity as well as to generate fuel (biodiesel, vegetable oils).

    Depending on the mode of operation, our Jeremias flue gas systems made of stainless steel are suitable for connection to biomass fireplaces, as they are soot fire-resistant and corrosion-tested. 

    Appropriate exhaust systems

    • Wall thickness 0.020''
    • For high pressure exhausts, kitchen ventilation systems or gas & oli vents
    • UL-103, UL-1978, UL-1738, UL-1777
    • 1.25” conical overlapping joint with added ½” rolled flange and vee band connection.
    • Wall thickness 0.035''
    • Stainless steel all-in-one chimney, vent, or exhaust system for condensing and noncondensing appliances
    • UL-103, UL-1978, UL-1738, UL-1777
    • Pressure tight insulated system without gaskets
    • For kitchen ventilation systems, high pressure exhausts and gas & oli vents
    • UL-103, UL-2561, UL-2561, UL-1978, UL-1738, UL-441 and UL-641
    • Fiber insulation 1.25'' - 4.25'' thickness
    • Dramatically reduced clearance to combustibles
    • UL-2561, UL-103, UL-1738, UL-441
    • Ceramic fiber insulation from 1.25'' - 4.25'' thickness
    • Suitable for chimney or ventilation
    • UL-2561, UL-103, UL-1978, UL-1738, UL-441, UL-641


    • No heat bridge between inner and outer pipes
    • No hot spots at joints, no voids in the insulation
    • UL-103



    What can we do for you?

    Personal advice, optimal service and personal contact with our customers and partners are very important to us.

    Do you have questions about our products, would you like an offer or do you need help planning your exhaust project?

    Get in touch, we'd be happy to advise you!

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