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    Generators and emergency generators

    Whenever things get tough...

    Generators and emergency generators generate electricity from existing resources, in particular to be independent of power grids.

    A single-walled exhaust gas system made of stainless steel and a double-walled stainless steel chimney are certified for high exhaust gas temperatures of up to 1112°F with simultaneous high pressure conditions of up to a maximum of 2.17 psi (only in the USA, in Europe certification is currently only possible up to 0,73 psi). Instead of using sealing materials, a permanent connection between the metal pipes is created using a conical plug-in system.

    Our "all-rounders" are used in data centers, hospitals and wherever the failure of a complex power grid would have serious consequences.

    Jeremias exhaust gas systems for generators and emergency generators are resistant to soot fires or moisture. The accessories include various types of exhaust silencers as well as exhaust flaps and explosion flaps.

    Appropriate exhaust systems

    • Wall thickness 0.020''
    • For high pressure exhausts, kitchen ventilation systems or gas & oli vents
    • UL-103, UL-1978, UL-1738, UL-1777
    • 1.25” conical overlapping joint with added ½” rolled flange and vee band connection.
    • Wall thickness 0.035''
    • Stainless steel all-in-one chimney, vent, or exhaust system for condensing and noncondensing appliances
    • UL-103, UL-1978, UL-1738, UL-1777
    • Ceramic fiber insulation from 1.25'' - 4.25'' thickness
    • Suitable for chimney or ventilation
    • UL-2561, UL-103, UL-1978, UL-1738, UL-441, UL-641


    • Fiber insulation 1.25'' - 4.25'' thickness
    • Dramatically reduced clearance to combustibles
    • UL-2561, UL-103, UL-1738, UL-441
    • Pressure tight insulated system without gaskets
    • For kitchen ventilation systems, high pressure exhausts and gas & oli vents
    • UL-103, UL-2561, UL-2561, UL-1978, UL-1738, UL-441 and UL-641


    What can we do for you?

    Personal advice, optimal service and personal contact with our customers and partners are very important to us.

    Do you have questions about our products, would you like an offer or do you need help planning your exhaust project?

    Get in touch, we'd be happy to advise you!

    Your Enquiry